Serverless Rest API through Cloud formation template
Serverless Rest API on AWS with Lambda and API Gateway using SAM (Serverless Application Model)
Advance tutorial to create Serverless Rest API with Lambda, API Gateway through Cloud Formation Template and AWS SAM
In this article, we will learn and explore how to create a Serverless Rest API using AWS API Gateway, AWS Lambda Function, IAM Role and Policies.
Further, we will learn how to deploy the Serverless Rest API through Cloudformation template using AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)
Problem Statement:
We will be creating a Serverless Rest API endpoint using Cloudformation template with the following details :
1. Method: GET
2. Path parameter : {userId}
3. Query parameter : firstName
4. Endpoint:
"body" : "{\"message\":\"Hello apoorv, Your userId is\"}"
Architecture :
Below is the High-Level Architecture of the serverless application which we are going to create.
- NojeJS
- Basic understanding of AWS Cloud Formation, AWS API Gateway, AWS Lambda, IAMRole and Policies.
What is AWS SAM ?
The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is an open-source framework that you can use to build serverless applications on AWS.
AWS SAM is an extension of AWS CloudFormation. So, you can also use the resources, intrinsic functions, and other template features that are available in AWS CloudFormation.
Let’s begin with the code :
To make this tutorial simpler and easily understandable, bifurcated the code into snippets.
At the time of writing this blog, I have the following versions installed in the system.
Step 1: Create a SAM project
Create a SAM project with some boilerplate code. Select nodejs12.x as the runtime, Project name as SAMDemo, Select template “Hello World Example ‘’ and viola you are done !!
$sam init
Boilerplate code has been generated by the above command and this is project hierarchy.
Step 2: Delete auto-generated code in template.yaml
Open “template.yaml” generated by the above command. It is an auto-generated template that contains default AWS resources.
Delete all the resources and outputs.
Now, add the following code in the template.yaml step by step.
Step 3: Create DemoGetUserIdApi (AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi)
Step 4: Create ApiGatewayResource (AWS::ApiGateway::Resource)
Step 5: Create ApiGatewayMethod(AWS::ApiGateway::Method)
Step 6: Create ApiGatewayModel(AWS::ApiGateway::Model)
Step 7: Create ApiGatewayDeployment(AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment)
Step 8: Create ApiGatewayStage(AWS::ApiGateway::Stage)
Step 9: Create ApiGatewayIamRole(AWS::IAM::Role)
Step 10: Create ApiGatewayPolicy(AWS::IAM::Policy)
Step 11: Create DemoGetDetailsFunction(AWS::Serverless::Function)
Step 12: Create LambdaIamRole(AWS::IAM::Role)
Step 13: Create LambdaApiGatewayInvoke(AWS::Lambda::Permission)
Step 14: Outputs
Putting it all together :
The final Cloud Formation template “template.yaml” is as follows:
Update Lambda function code in App.js
- In Project, rename “hello-world” folder with “demo-get-details”
- In Package.json change name with “demo-get-details”
Create S3 bucket in AWS
Create a bucket on AWS S3. In this Demo project, we have taken “sam-demo-cloudformation” as the S3 bucket name
Deploying the CloudFormation template through terminal
In the root directory of the project, run the following commands:
- Build all functions and layers, and their dependencies
$sam build
2. Packages an AWS SAM application
$sam package --output-template-file packaged.yaml --s3-bucket sam-demo-cloudformation
3. Deploying Lambda functions through AWS CloudFormation
sam deploy --template-file packaged.yaml --region us-east-1 --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --stack-name sam-demo-stack
Select “Y” when prompted to deploy this changeset and the resource creation gets started.
Finally, the stack gets created successfully on the AWS Cloud formation and hence the Serverless Rest API.
Stack on AWS CloudFormation
Testing the Rest API
After successful deployment, test the API by making a request to the endpoint with the path parameter and query parameter using the Postman.
We have now successfully created a serverless rest API using AWS API Gateway and Lambda.
Source Code :
You can find the complete source code of the project at
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